Saturday, September 8, 2012

Graduation day!

More than five months have passed since we left our cozy world of Northern California and made our way east, over an ocean, and into the heart of France. Yesterday, the students in the French Pastry Arts program gathered for one last time at the chateau to reflect on all the hard work, determination, passion for pastry and creativity that went into completing their course. Several of the students--Josh included--had family in attendance. The school staff offered heartfelt congratulations and even a few tears for the class. And their beloved chef, Kyung-Ran Baccon, prepared personalized speeches for each of them.

Words can't even describe how proud I am right now of Josh--and all of his classmates. The FPA program at ENSP, while it had a few hiccups here and there, was really quite amazing. I'm really excited to see what everyone will do, not just in their internships but after.

Sitting here on the Saturday after graduation in our Yssingeaux apartment, we have said goodbye to almost all of Josh's classmates, who are making their ways now to where their internships will be. Cindy went to Paris; Lizzy to the Alps town of Thonon-les-Bains; Jeneva will be going to Bordeaux after traveling with her parents for a while; Ani went to Lyon; and Yulia to St. Etienne. Tomorrow Josh and I will drop off Clovis in the nearby town of Monistrol. Then we're off to Montelimar first thing Monday. Wish us luck!


  1. Meredith and Josh,

    Congratulations on Josh's graduation, and good luck with your adventures in Montelimar!

  2. Congratulations and safe travels!!!

  3. Wow, Meredith! Your blog has been wonderful. Your adventures in France have been so richly described, and appreciated. Josh and his classmates look so happy in their professional garb. The creations are marvels of art in a medium that must treat the palate and nose as well as the eyes. They're so beautiful that they create great expectations for taste to be as good as appearance--but surely they will leave no one disappointed: not Josh for his sense of accomplishment in his mastery of the art of pastry, not those who get to see it, and not the lucky people who get to enjoy it in all its elements (especially taste). Now for the "internship." What terrific experiences to have and to relish for life! Coop
