Thursday, September 20, 2012

Montelimar, first impressions

OK, we've been living here a week. Here is our life, so far, in pictures:

Old-timey keys are super awesome. I can't really explain it--they just feel good.

One of the few original city gates that is still intact. This is on the north end of "centre ville," the old walled city that is now "downtown."

Here you can see the gate from the inside. This was actually taken from right outside the Internet cafe I'm sitting at right now!

When not at the cafe, we get free Internet when we sit at this fountain. Not bad, eh?

The streets look like this. See, even puppies love it!

Here is the patisserie where Josh works, right in the middle of a central square. It's been here for 70 years at least.

Here is the outside of our apartment building. Clearly it was, at one time, a storefront. We're on the second floor.

This is the inside of our front door. The landlady said her husband created the mailboxes himself.

 This cool, old lamp hangs in our entryway.

These steps lead to our front door. They look pretty unspectacular, but they're made of actual stone. They've been here a very, very long time.

Inside our studio apartment. Like I said, it's pretty basic. Had to hide some of our suitcases under the shelf in the kitchen--classy! And the shower is, simply put, super lame. Too small to be enjoyable. The couch is actually a futon.

The patio actually makes our little place seem quite big. As you can see I did laundry this morning and hung it up to line dry like a proper Frenchwoman.

That's all for today. I'll try to take more pics while I'm out and about--maybe at the Saturday market!


  1. Oh Mer that is so awesome! So happy for you both!!
    Love Angela

  2. The pictures are great! Thank you for showing us your new surroundings. It is wonderful to be able to visualize so many places: where Josh works, the stone staircase to your door, the fountain where you correspond with us, and so much more! The gigantic key is fun to see--I can imagine the "click" it makes when you turn it in the door lock!
